CBD manufacturer, Goodall collaborate to produce eco-friendly products

CBD manufacturer, Goodall collaborate to produce eco-friendly products

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Jane Goodall, the famous wildlife conservationist, has partnered with a CBD manufacturer based in Canada. To enable environmental conservation as well as reforestation initiatives, they will be developing products that pertain to both natural health and wellness.

The headquarters of Neptune Wellness Solutions Inc. is located in Laval, Quebec. They will be working in collaboration with Goodall. Products like herbal hand sanitizers, essential oils as well as other hemp-derived products will be launched this summer under the already existing brand of Forest Remedies.

In her statement, Goodall said,

“The health of people, animals and the environment are interconnected; this pandemic demonstrates this. However, if we all make ethical choices, every day, our collective power for change is great.”

In the due course of theirpartnership, Neptune has successfully donated $25,000 and has pledged 5% of their total revenue from the sale of Forest Remedies products to her institute.

The Chief Executive Officer of Neptune Wellness Solutions, Michael Cammarata stated, “In light of COVID-19, we believe there will be a renewed focus and emphasis on personal self-care, and the purchasing decisions consumers make to support their health and wellness will have a lasting impact on the environment and our collective health and wellness”.

These products, developed via the partnership, will be advantageous to Neptune and their collaboration agreement of developing various hemp-derived products with the International Flavors and Fragrances Inc.

On New York Stock Exchange, the International Flavors and Fragrances Inc. trades as IFF, while NEPT is the name under which Neptune Wellness Solutions Inc. is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq.

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