What is Effective for Coronavirus? Can Cannabis And CBD Considered As A Ray Of Hope?

What is Effective for Coronavirus? Can Cannabis And CBD Considered As A Ray Of Hope?

3 min read
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Doctor Dani Gordon, a prominent medical expert, in this article, will answer people’s queries about Cannabis and CBD’s effect and the possibilities of recovery from Coronavirus or COVID- 19.

The most substantial question I have acquired is how Cannabis and CBD can affect reducing or retrieving from COVID- 19, and how can we keep ourselves fit and away from it.

It’s a frequently asked question by the people, whether CBD and Cannabis can help to prevent the disease and boost our immune system fight against COVID 19, primarily, and if someone is contracted for it, then can Cannabis and CBD help in the treatment? Another question is about the probability that NSAID, an anti-inflammatory drug that can have a gloomy effect on this virus. A dilemma may be created about its meaning and how it can help.

So, these are specific reasonable queries made recently, even in respect of anti-inflammatory drugs and the result on Coronavirus. Some doctors are suggesting to rely on Acetaminophen for the fewer people who are having these days and asking to avoid NSAID over the token drugs till the time we gather more knowledge.

Let’s talk about Coronavirus, CBD and Cannabis

Regarding Cannabis and CBD there is a dilemma about its effectiveness. We lack studies proving or having any evidence about its efficacy on Coronavirus, despite the fact of some of its fascinating research on medical facts about Cannabis and Smoked Cannabis usage and HIV continuation.

Many CBD and Cannabis promoters on social media and Facebook are professing their boosted immunity conveniently against any virus by using that plant and endorsing others to go for it.

Being both a trained doctor in natural and Western medicine and a Cannabis specialist it becomes a responsibility as well as it is essential for presenting the facts to people and being completely frank about things, we don’t have accurate knowledge about. Analytically also we should not make incorrect affirmations when we all accept our fears and understand the situation well. And definitely, we want all the possible measures to protect ourselves and our near and dear ones.

There is some ‘miracle cure’ which professionals about some members related to the community of natural wellness can at times construct, even when good-tempered, can have adverse and detrimental effects on people’s mentality and behaviour and can destroy the industry as encouraging ‘Snake oils.’

Going with this, it can create an impact. It can separate our number of colleagues who don’t have the complete knowledge about botanical medicine. It can disturb plant medicine, which is in progress for many years now. When they try to acquire support and reliability through academic research and exploration, associating with the study and physicians related to it is smart enough and broad-minded to consider them. Medicinal plants like cannabis and CBD can do a lot of amazing things which will not make us need to extend honesty or profess that cannot be proven, at least not for the time being.

What can we do to boost our immunity?

The most accurate and profound way to boost our immune system is to circumvent alcohol and keep agile while staying at home. You can surely dance and go ‘Gaga’ in your living area, and you can grasp some easy modification or musing practice to reduce stress hormones.
But if you are planning for augmentation, you could boost up your immunity system by simply including some adaptogen mushrooms, next to liposomal glutathione. However, it’s not an immediate immune booster but can help to hold up your liver.
By maintaining a rich diet like vitamin C, micronutrients, zinc, flavonoids like Quercetin that are found both in apples and cannabis and having ample amounts of sleep are all essential for starting with if you are yet to begin.
Melatonin is our sleep hormone, it can be made active when we are sleeping, and that can help our immune function actively too. Practice meditation with deep breath and have a good laugh – it can be a healthy and positive sign to boost our immune system. While self – isolating you can put on some entertainment and can have a burst-out laugh for making your lungs work, and you can have a sense of achievement.

Bottom Line

Despite taking all the right measures, you can still become a prey of Coronavirus. But there is good news, people who are not in a high-risk group can have mild illness and can recover at home. Many bearers cannot have a single symptom or some also know it, and that is what makes Social distancing so crucial and the reason is that the asymptomatic transmission rates are very high with me Coronavirus.

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