

What Actual Benefits Do Women Get From Using CBD?

What Actual Benefits Do Women Get From Using CBD?

You may have heard of the new medical discoveries about cannabis. For many years, the law prohibited researchers and doctors from investigating cannabis benefits. Greedy pharmaceutical companies bear the primary responsibility, and if the illegal...
12 min read
The consequences of labeling CBD a narcotic

The consequences of labeling CBD a narcotic

A recent development in the CBD would have far-reaching implications that might affect millions of consumers in the EU and maybe the world. The European Commission, which is the executive branch of the European Union,...
5 min read
Cannabis, Covid-19, and CBD

Cannabis, Covid-19, and CBD

Is science projecting CBD as a powerful anti-viral agent? Has prohibition on CBD transformed a bad situation into worse? Today we shall discuss the detailed answers to these questions. The death toll on a global...
5 min read